In the second installment of the Star Wars: Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy, Grand Admiral Thrawn stands at the pinnacle of his latest triumph - bringing victory and glory to the Chiss Ascendancy and his own House of Mitth. However, a deeper menace lurks beyond the visible victories. This unseen enemy launches its attack not through conventional warfare, but through deceptively peaceful offerings and unconditional services. Events unfold that could signal the beginning of upheaval, tearing apart the fabric of the Ascendancy itself. Thrawn and the Expansionary Defense Fleet are against time to decipher the true agenda of their adversary. The real battle is against the erosion of trust, as the threat aims to magnify existing societal rifts, challenging loyalties among the Chiss. Every decision becomes a measure of personal allegiance. Will the defenders prioritize the safety of their families or will the collective future of the Ascendancy weigh heavier? It's a race against time and shadows as Thrawn navigates through treacherous political waters to safeguard his people from potential civil war.