In the quiet town of Bayou Breaux, Louisiana, a shocking crime shatters the peace: seven-year-old KJ Gauthier is found murdered in his home. The only witness, his mother, Genevieve, survives unharmed, raising difficult questions for Detective Nick Fourcade. Why would a killer leave no trace of their presence except for the lifeless body of a child? As Nick investigates, his wife, Detective Annie Broussard, sits with the heartbroken Genevieve. Annie, a mother herself, empathizes with her grief but cannot ignore the troubling inconsistencies in her story. Tensions rise when KJ's babysitter, twelve-year-old Nora Florette, goes missing, spiraling the town into panic. Could a predator be hunting their children? Under the scrutiny of an unforgiving new sheriff, and with the media and parents demanding answers, Nick and Annie delve into the enigma. Then a revelation about Genevieve's checkered past unfolds, raising the stakes. Was KJ's death a twisted liberation for a mother shackled by her maternal duties, or has her loss unhinged her completely? What might she know about Nora's disappearance? With the lines blurring between victim and perpetrator, Nick and Annie race against time to unravel the grim tapestry woven around 'The Boy.'