Set against the tumultuous backdrop of Mussolini's Italy and the impending disaster of World War II, 'Under the Light of the Italian Moon' brings us into the world of Nina Argenta, a young woman yearning to control her destiny beyond the expected role of rural Italian women. Born to a headstrong midwife, Nina's aspirations are tested when her brother's emigration to America and her promise to remain with her mother anchors her to her homeland. Soon, her childhood friend Pietro Pante returns, igniting a forbidden romance that burns brightly but briefly; Pietro's pursuit of work in America's coal mines drags them apart. As fascist brutality takes hold of their village, Nina's love becomes intertwined with the struggle for survival under Nazi oppression. Severed from Pietro, and fighting an enemy's grip on her town, Nina faces the greatest challenges alone. This historical novel captures one woman's fight against fascism, her enduring spirit amid war, and the enduring power of love. A testimony to the strength of women, 'Under the Light of the Italian Moon' is a celebration of love's triumph over the darkest times of history.