In the turbulent landscape of 1980 South Korea, a young woman, Insuk, finds her life irreversibly altered by the disappearance of her father amid a fierce political upheaval. Faced with the crushing forces of a military dictatorship and societal change, she marries her college sweetheart Sungho, and together with their son, they escape to California. As Insuk navigates the challenges of a new culture and the ghosts of her past, her life takes an unexpected turn into a passionate affair. This affair sets in motion a cascade of events, impacting four generations across continents. E.J. Koh's 'The Liberators' is a poignant exploration of a family's legacy, deeply rooted in the fertile ground of love, loss, and the enduring scars of war. Weaved as a fabric of memory and connection, it is a tale that spans the chasm of time, linking those bound by blood and history.