At the heart of Lisa See's 'The Tea Girl of Hummingbird Lane' lies the poignant tale of Li-yan, an Akha ethnic minority girl in a remote Yunnan village, and her daughter, Haley, who is adopted by an American couple. The novel spans the divergent paths of mother and daughter, punctuated by the formidable backdrop of traditional tea farming. When a foreigner arrives in search of a rare tea, Li-yan finds herself at a crossroads between the weight of tradition and the lure of the modern world. A baby born out of wedlock propels Li-yan into a life beyond the confines of her village while Haley grows up in the comfort of California, both connected and haunted by the legacy of tea that has fashioned their lineage. The narrative weaves through the lush tapestries of culture, heritage, and identity, ultimately exploring the resilient bond of motherhood across time and place.