In the harrowing 'Demon Camp: A Soldier's Exorcism,' Jennifer Percy delves into the traumatic aftermath of war through the story of Caleb Daniels, a Special Ops soldier who survived a deadly helicopter crash in Afghanistan that claimed his friends' lives. Haunted by visions of his deceased comrades, including his best friend Kip Jacoby, Caleb grapples with a paralyzing entity he calls 'the Black Thing' or the Destroyer. This demon, as perceived by Caleb, drives him to the brink of suicide, echoing the wider epidemic of veteran suicides due to the unbearable weight of PTSD. Seeking relief, Caleb turns to an unconventional remedy: a Christian exorcism camp in Georgia that caters to the spiritual warfare veterans face post-conflict. Percy's investigation into this camp and the poignant stories of suffering and redemption she uncovers is an unflinching portrayal of the psychological scars left by war and the complex intersections of faith, mental health, and recovery.