In Halle Butler's darkly humorous debut, 'Jillian', we dive into the lives of two seemingly different women, Megan and Jillian, whose inner struggles with life's disappointments draw them into a twisted camaraderie. Megan, a 24-year-old, is suffocated by her dead-end job as a gastroenterologist's receptionist and her growing resentment towards her successful peers. Jillian, a falsely upbeat single mom of 35, hides her own despair behind a mask of cheerfulness. As both descend into a pit of self-deception fueled by denial, religion, drugs, and a notoriously ill-considered dog purchase, their eerie similarities unfold. Butler paints a gritty, witty portrait of the banality and absurdity of office life, and the psychic toll it takes on its inhabitants.