In the sleepy town of Henrietta, Virginia, Blue Sargent's life intertwines with that of the affluent 'Raven Boys' from the local prep school, Aglionby Academy. Among them is Gansey, driven by a mysterious quest, alongside his diverse group of friends—each harboring deep scars and secrets. Plagued by the prophecies that she would be the cause of her true love's death, Blue harbors skepticism about love and fate. Yet, as she is inexplicably drawn into Gansey's world, and as bizarre occurrences and supernatural events begin to unfold, Blue's life is irrevocably changed. Together they unearth the boundaries of friendship, love, and the pursuit of something far greater. 'The Raven Boys' is a tale that weaves magical realism with the verisimilitude of teenage existence, challenging destiny and the very fabric that holds their world