Set against the backdrop of London in 1929, 'The Hidden Child' follows the seemingly idyllic lives of Eleanor and Edward Hamilton. Bound by marriage, societal success, and the affection they share for their young daughter Mabel, the Hamiltons are a portrait of the perfect family. However, their picturesque world begins to crumble when Mabel starts to experience severe epileptic seizures, forcing Eleanor to confront the stark contrasts between public perception and private reality. As Edward's role in the eugenics movement comes to light, the very ideals he champions threaten to tear their family apart. Eleanor is faced with the harrowing task of protecting her daughter and deciding how far she is willing to go to challenge her husband's controversial beliefs and their societal standing. In doing so, she must grapple with buried secrets and the uncomfortable truths of their past. 'The Hidden Child' is a poignant exploration of love, motherhood, and the moral dilemmas that arise amidst a period marked by emerging, yet dangerous, ideologies.