In her long-awaited novel, Cathie Pelletier returns readers to Mattagash, Maine, a seemingly tranquil New England town nestled in the northern wilderness. But beneath the town's quaint exterior and proud citizens lies a tapestry of human intricacies. Public disputes over petty concerns mask the deeper, private turmoils: scandal, loss, betrayal, and the haunting scars of war. Amidst a backdrop that touches both the American expanse and the jungles of Vietnam, 'The One-Way Bridge' paints an indelible portrait of loneliness, family, and the power of community. Witness how the townspeople's lives intersect, often hilariously, as they grapple with changes and challenges that test their resolve and make them redefine love and identity in an ever-evolving world. And as the one-way bridge connects them to the larger world, they'll find that the dead ends of life can lead to the most unexpected journeys.