In 'Love Me', Garrison Keillor explores the turbulent life of Larry Wyler, an aspiring St. Paul author whose debut novel 'Spacious Skies' catapults him into New York City's illustrious literary circles. The novel's initial success provides Wyler with an enviable Manhattan lifestyle and a coveted position at The New Yorker. Yet, it's short-lived as his follow-up novel 'Amber Waves of Grain' fails, leaving him with a severe case of writer's block. During this low point, Wyler accepts the role of an advice columnist, 'Mr. Blue', and in dispensing wisdom to others, painfully regains his clarity. Struggling with his faltering career, self-doubt, and yearning for his estranged wife, Iris, Wyler must navigate the treacherous waters of love, ambition, and the fickleness of fame.