In the heart-wrenching debut by Colleen Hoover, "Slammed" introduces us to Layken Cohen, an eighteen-year-old who relocates with her family in the aftermath of her father's death. Facing the responsibilities as the new rock for her mother and brother, Layken's life is turned upside down when she encounters Will Cooper, her charming twenty-one-year-old neighbor with a passion for slam poetry. The blooming romance between Layken and Will is abruptly challenged by startling revelations, specifically Will's connection to Layken's new school. Cast into a tumultuous struggle between heart and circumstance, Layken and Will must navigate through the pains and secrets that threaten to sever their bond. Told with the raw emotion of youth and first love, this novel poetically weaves the trials of love and life into the art of slam poetry, illustrating the powerful ways in which words can bridge the gap between hope and despair.