Spanning three tumultuous years in the lives of the members of a Brooklyn family, 'Day' by Michael Cunningham is a poignant exploration of love's complexities and the dynamics of family life under strain. Set against the backdrop of very real and global tumult, the story challenges the facade of domestic bliss that Dan and Isabel present to the world, as they both harbor affections for Robbie, Isabel's brother. Robbie's eventual move from their attic loft threatens to unravel the already fraying ties that bind the family. With the added pressures of a pandemic lockdown and the need to adapt to a new and altered reality, each family member grapples with personal loss, independence, and the urgency of reconciling their ambitions with their love for one another. This exquisitely crafted narrative by Pulitzer Prize-winning author Michael Cunningham deftly examines how, amid grievous losses and profound changes, a family learns to continue together while also growing apart.