In this relentless tale of modern science gone awry, DEA Special Agent Peter Malloy encounters a sinister thread that ties together six peculiar deaths: Each of the bodies bears a surgical port in its spine. This chilling detail leads him on a harrowing quest for answers, ensnaring him in a twisted odyssey that begins with the enigmatic disappearance of a scientist charged with federal crimes. Malloy's path converges with that of Allison Stevens, who reels from the revelation of her employer's clandestine genetic experiments focussed on pain tolerance. Their desperate search draws them to the heart of a shadowy cult fixed on achieving a transcendental state through suffering. As Malloy and Stevens wade deeper into this morbid world of zealotry and secrets, they must navigate a labyrinth of chilling tension and disquieting truths that promises to leave an indelible mark on their very souls.