As the snow blankets 1953 Massachusetts, Boy Novak, a woman fleeing her bleak New York life, finds herself in a quaint town where she marries a widower named Arturo Whitman. Stepping into her role as stepmother to his daughter, Snow, Boy is captivated by the girl's otherworldly charm. Yet, with the birth of her daughter, Bird, Boy is thrusted into a mirror maze of racial identities; Bird's dark skin reveals the Whitman family to be light-skinned African Americans passing as white. The tale unfurls, dissecting beauty and vanity through a magical lens, as Boy, Snow, and Bird are drawn into a whirlwind of discovery, challenging the reflections they face in the world and themselves. 'Boy, Snow, Bird' fuses the arcane with the real, offering a profound commentary on the illusions of race and the power of self-acceptance.