Amidst the backdrop of Taiwanese folklore, 'Bestiary' weaves a tale of three generations of women bound by their heritage and the stories that define them. A young girl uncovers her family's enigmatic history when she awakens with a tiger tail—a manifestation of an ancestral tiger spirit hungry for the toes of children. As she delves into the cryptic letters from her grandmother and confronts the mystical phenomena surrounding her family, she navigates the awakening of queer desires and the weight of violent legacies. Along with Ben, a neighborhood girl with her own enigmatic aura, the protagonist embarks on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. Together, they must uncover and challenge the buried secrets of their lineage, reclaiming control over their destiny. K-Ming Chang's electrifying prose reveals the power of myth to both ensnare and liberate, crafting a narrative that celebrates migration, queer identity, and the fierce tenacity of girlhood.