Set against the tumultuous backdrop of World War II, 'The Ways We Hide' follows Fenna Vos, a resilient woman from Michigan's Copper Country who finds solace and survival in her role as an illusionist's assistant. Behind the scenes, she's the true architect of their escape acts, a skill that safeguards her from the trauma of her past. Unexpectedly, Fenna's talent catches the attention of British military intelligence, MI9, who recruits her to craft devices to help soldiers evade capture by the Germans. Reluctant yet resourceful, Fenna joins a team of eccentrics, all while negotiating the treacherous tightrope between loyalty and deception. As Fenna becomes enmeshed in a web of wartime espionage, her most daunting challenge becomes the confrontation of her own history. Inspired by remarkable real-life exploits, this novel captures the essence of human resilience and the secret battles fought for love, freedom, and personal redemption.