In the eerie stillness of Deadwood, USA, young Rose stumbles upon an impossible sight: a giant metal hand buried for aeons, predating human civilization. Decades later, Dr. Rose Franklyn, now a preeminent physicist, helms a secret project to unearth the truths behind this enigmatic relic. What begins as a scientific endeavor spirals into an earth-shattering quest when more components are discovered worldwide. As Rose and her team work to piece together this colossal puzzle, questions of origin and purpose spawn a hunt for answers that could alter the course of human history. Are we the architects of our destiny, or have we stumbled upon a cosmic arrangement predetermined to awaken? 'Sleeping Giants' propels us through a labyrinth of science, politics, and the thirst for power, blurring lines between ally and adversary, and inviting us to wonder: what might surface when the slumbering titans rise?