In an era where the internet amasses eight trillion gigabytes of data per day, Seth Stephens-Davidowitz embarks on a journey to decipher the secrets hidden within this digital treasure trove. In 'Everybody Lies: Big Data, New Data, and What the Internet Can Tell Us About Who We Really Are', we uncover the underlying truths of human behavior. Stephens-Davidowitz explores the often-unspoken realities of society, from racial prejudice to intimate confessions, all through the lens of big data analytics. Insightful and often humorous, this book pulls back the curtain on the paradoxes and biases shaping our world, offering a new understanding of who we really are in the light of data that we love, fear, and misunderstand.
Despite the casual lies peppered in daily life, the trail of digital breadcrumbs we leave behind tells a different story. Stephens-Davidowitz reveals that in our search queries and online trails, we disclose more than we dare say out loud. Delving into diverse topics ranging from politics to personal preferences, 'Everybody Lies' is a beacon for anyone seeking to grasp the profound implications of our digital footprints. Through a mix of anecdotal and empirical evidence, the author illustrates how big data can be both a microscope and a mirror, reflecting and magnifying the facets of humanity that are often veiled in silence or bias.