Set against the vibrant backdrop of 1940s New York, 'City of Girls' follows the spirited Vivian Morris as she navigates the tumultuous world of theater and showbiz. After failing to impress at Vassar College, Vivian is whisked away to the eclectic Lily Playhouse where she discovers a realm of glitz, glamour, and unapologetic pleasures. Crafting stunning costumes for the performers, Vivian takes the city by storm, her life interwoven with captivating personalities from showgirls to stars. However, when a serious lapse in judgment threatens her newfound haven, Vivian faces trails that will challenge her perceptions of love, freedom, and identity. In this spellbinding tale, Elizabeth Gilbert crafts a narrative of self-discovery and reinvention, as Vivian's journey toward emancipation and authenticity defines her extraordinary life.