Set against the backdrop of the late 1950s, 'We Could Be So Good' by Cat Sebastian tells the story of Nick Russo, an ambitious reporter who has risen from a rough Brooklyn neighborhood to the ranks of a major newspaper in a time when being a gay man means living a life of precarious secrecy. When he encounters Andy Fleming, the carefree son of a newspaper tycoon pressured into the family business, an unlikely friendship blossoms between them. United by the newsroom but divided by their worlds, Nick becomes Andy's steadfast guide, unwittingly building a connection that blossoms into something neither can ignore. As their bond deepens, Nick and Andy face the daunting reality of their feelings—a delicate, hidden romance at odds with the stark daylight of conservative society. Faced with the choice to either conceal their love or bravely confront the world for the chance at happiness, 'We Could Be So Good' is a poignant exploration of love, identity, and resistance.