Set against the harsh Wyoming frontier of 1876, 'One for the Blackbird, One for the Crow' unfolds the dramatic tale of two neighboring families, the Bemises and the Webbers, who are torn apart by tragedy and bound together by survival. When Ernest Bemis discovers his wife, Cora, in a compromising act with their neighbor, his swift and fatal response shatters their interdependent existence, sending himself to prison and leaving the women entangled in grief and conflict. Faced with a punishing winter and the struggle to keep their land, Cora and Nettie Mae Webber are forced to unite and overcome their enmity in order to sustain their families. As their children, Clyde and Beulah, step into adulthood amidst the chaos, a tender yet forbidden affection between them stirs, further testing the fragile ties that hold the two families together. In this stirring tale of hardship, Olivia Hawker explores the depths of human resilience, the bonds forged by shared adversity, and the courage to trust after profound betrayal.