Set against the haunting backdrop of New Orleans, 'The House on Prytania' unfolds the story of Nola Trenholm, who, although not psychic, is keenly aware of the ghostly presences in her newly acquired Creole cottage. The spirits that linger are not all friendly, and Nola must grapple with these unearthly housemates amidst personal turmoil. The return of Sunny Ryan, and her brother Beau's quest for justice over Sunny's kidnapping, compels Nola to reconnect with Michael Hebert, a figure from her past with a bruised heart. Beau believes Michael's influential family is linked to the kidnapping, entangling Nola in a dangerous web of emotions and intrigue. As Nola attempts to aid Beau while preserving her own healing, the true reason for the ghosts' persistence emerges, leading to a revelation that binds her and Beau together against a shared adversary. The stakes are high as they must heed the messages of the spirits to confront a deadly threat.