In the quaint backdrop of a small town, where a picturesque community garden breeds a veneer of acceptance, the lives of three women intersect amidst a tide of challenges. Tara Hooper is on the verge of collapse, grappling with domestic life and a community under the thrall of crime. When outsiders move in, tensions escalate, testing the town's thinly-veiled tolerance. Helen Demetriou, no stranger to homelessness, finds respite in the garden's embrace, until her newfound peace crumbles as local scandals surface. And young Jade Innes, isolated by judgment and her boyfriend's absence, stumbles upon the garden, yearning for belonging. They face a crucial question: can they rally together to safeguard the garden and mend a divided community, or will their efforts succumb to the undercurrents of prejudice tearing at the town's seams?