"Find Me" by Andr� Aciman is an enthralling continuation of the narrative that began with the beloved novel "Call Me by Your Name." Revisiting characters that captivated readers globally, Aciman invites us on a journey through the evolving landscapes of love and desire. The story unfolds with Elio's father, Samuel, on a trip from Florence to Rome to see his son, now a successful classical pianist. An unexpected encounter on the train introduces Samuel to a new chapter of love that alters the course of his life. Meanwhile, Elio's own journey leads him to Paris, where his life becomes intertwined in a significant romance. Across the Atlantic, Oliver, a professor in New England with a family of his own, wrestles with the pull of past affections and the possibility of returning to Europe. Aciman masterfully captures the complex emotions and intimate moments that shape and redefine relationships, asking the poignant question: Does true love ever truly fade?