Set against the backdrop of the waning Qing Dynasty, The Good Earth chronicles the life of Wang Lung, a humble Chinese farmer, from his wedding day to O-lan, a servant girl, to his eventual rise to wealth. Faced with the brutality of poverty and the tumult of change, Wang Lung and his family suffer through famine and hardship, fleeing to the city where survival is a punishing struggle. The land, which initially brings them meager sustenance, becomes a powerful symbol for life itself as their fortunes change. When unexpected wealth flows from the earth, it exposes the fragility of human values, threatening the very fabric of Wang Lung's existence with corruption and betrayal. Yet, amid these trials, the enduring spirit of O-lan weaves a narrative of resilience and true richness beyond material wealth, shining a poignant light on the enduring trials and dignity of the Chinese peasantry.