Twenty-five years ago, Maggie Holt's life was upended by a brief and unsettling stay at Baneberry Hall, a haunting Victorian mansion hidden in the Vermont forests. The harrowing events were chronicled by her father Ewan in his explosive memoir, 'House of Horrors.' Now, as the inheritor of the infamous house, Maggie is drawn back to Baneberry Hall, determined to renovate and sell it. Dismissing the ghostly tales as fiction, Maggie's skepticism begins to waver as she confronts eerie echoes of the past. As she peels back the layers of mystery shrouding the mansion, Maggie's arrival stirs whispers of decades-old secrets - secrets that may be deeply entwined with her own fate. In this gripping narrative that oscillates between Maggie's present-day discoveries and her father's chilling account, 'Home Before Dark' beckons readers into its enigmatic corridors, daring them to decipher whether its spectres are otherworldly or alarmingly earthly.