In the harrowing world of 'The Drift', three individuals confront the brink of catastrophe as their lives intersect in the face of an apocalyptic snowstorm. Hannah finds herself among the wreckage of a calamitous accident, the survivor of a boarding school evacuation gone wrong. With secrets clawing for the light, unity is their only path to salvation. Elsewhere, Meg awakens within the confines of a cable car dangling precariously over a frozen abyss, memory stripped and trust in her fellow passengers fraying as the threat of the elements closes in. And in the deceptive quiet of an isolated ski chalet, Carter peers into the blizzard, haunted by an unseen menace stalking the corridors of their mountain refuge. As their generator fails, surging darkness threatens to unleash an unfathomable terror. Their plights, though distant, weave into a singular tapestry of survival against the backdrop of an unwavering snowstorm, one that cloaks a danger so profound it could swallow humanity whole.