Set against the backdrop of 1770s London, 'Domino' unfolds as a compelling tale of George Cautley, an ambitious yet naive artist who becomes entangled in a web of intrigue and deceptive appearances. At a high society ball, Cautley's fateful encounter with the enigmatic Lady Beauclair sets him on a journey enlaced with art, scandal, and mystery. As he paints her portrait, Lady Beauclair shares the scandalous past of Tristano, a castrato singer entwined in a heartrending narrative from Handel's opera half a century earlier. Converging with the story is Cautley's acquaintance with Sir Endymion Starker, a distinguished painter, and his mistress Eleanora who, too, carries a tragic tale. Through masquerade balls and grandiose operatic settings—from the lavishness of London to Venice's illustrious opera houses—Cautley's innocent quest for artistic recognition spirals into a replication of Tristano's fate. Ross King weaves a rich, suspenseful story that resonates with the vibrancy and peril of the era, while exploring the paradox of truth and illusion in the creative world.