In 'The Secret Life of Sunflowers,' a contemporary tale intertwines with the poignant historical narrative of Johanna Bonger, the enigmatic sister-in-law of Vincent van Gogh. Following her husband's demise, Johanna is left with a wealth of unsung art and an infant to care for in the heart of 19th-century Paris. Through unwavering determination, she endeavors to bring recognition to Vincent's masterpieces. Parallelly, in modern New York, Emsley Wilson, a Hollywood auctioneer, discovers Johanna's diary, mistaking it for her grandmother's. As her personal and professional life spirals, the diary emerges as a beacon, guiding Emsley through a labyrinth of romantic entanglements, familial conundrums, and a quest for purpose that mirrors Johanna's own. Their stories, separated by time, converge on the universal pursuit of legacy, love, and the labyrinthine journey of self-discovery.