Discover the harrowing tale of a seemingly benevolent family man with a sinister alter ego in 'The Quiet Tenant.' Aidan Thomas, a well-regarded figure in an upstate New York town, harbors a chilling secret: he's a kidnapper and serial killer who has taken the lives of eight women. Among his captives is Rachel, tucked away in a backyard shed, struggling for survival and plotting her escape. With the untimely death of his wife, Aidan's life turns more complicated as he relocates with his teenage daughter Cecilia, presenting Rachel as a 'family friend' cohabitating with them. As Emily, a local restaurant owner, finds herself charmed by Aidan's facade, she unwittingly weaves deeper into the web spun by Rachel and Cecilia. Told from the perspectives of Rachel, Cecilia, and Emily, this psychological thriller delves into the effects of Aidan's gruesome deeds on the women ensnared by his deception. It's a poignant exploration of trauma, resilience, and the human will to seek justice against heinous crimes.