"Midnight in Chernobyl" by Adam Higginbotham is a compelling chronicle of the Chernobyl disaster, that fateful April 26, 1986, when Reactor Number Four erupted into flames. This meticulously researched narrative delves deep into the cascade of tragic mistakes and deceptions that led to the catastrophic explosion, revealing the human stories entwined in the midst of disaster. Through previously undisclosed interviews, declassified archives, and eyewitness accounts, Higginbotham constructs a panoramic view of the event that not only shook the world but also exposed the perils of nuclear power, the devastating effects of government propaganda, and the unyielding spirit of the people who fought to contain the fallout. 'Midnight in Chernobyl' unearths the aftershocks of the explosion that resonated through the collapse of the Soviet Union and echoes in the contemporary challenges to nuclear safety and political transparency.