'The Sisterhood: The Secret History of Women at the CIA' unfolds the untold narrative of valiant women who played pivotal roles in the Central Intelligence Agency. Post-World War II, amidst rampant discrimination, these females transcended their relegated positions as clerks and spouses to emerge as integral figures in espionage. Often underestimated, they adeptly conducted clandestine operations, contributed to the CIA's critical archives, and carved a pathway for modern intelligence. Their discerning insights identified the threat of al-Qaeda, only to be ignored until the tragic 9/11 attacks. Their story culminates in the crucial role women played in locating Osama bin Laden, exemplifying how data analysis became essential in the new era of national security. Author Liza Mundy captures these unsung heroines' saga with an intricate tapestry of facts and narratives that spotlight the women who revolutionized the CIA and shaped today's intelligence landscape.