"Zero Fail: The Rise and Fall of the Secret Service" by Carol Leonnig is a harrowing and detailed chronicle of the U.S. Secret Service, presenting its evolution from the aftermath of Abraham Lincoln's assassination through its triumphs and tribulations to its contemporary challenges. Through meticulous reporting, Leonnig exposes the agency's systemic issues, including an outdated infrastructure, a corrosive work culture, and leadership failures that prioritized image over integrity. The book takes readers behind the scenes of major historical moments, including the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan. It also critiques the agency's decline and the recent politically charged exploits during the Obama and Trump presidencies. Leonnig's investigative work sheds light on the testimonies of agents and whistleblowers hoping to see a much-needed reform, motivated not by scandal but by an enduring dedication to their critical role in national security.