Marty Cohen, a retired academic Egyptologist and small business owner, is haunted by enigmatic visions that disrupt his simple life. When an unusual excavation funded by an eccentric financier uncovers ancient texts, Marty's expertise is sought, throwing him back into a world he'd left behind. With financial pressures mounting, he cannot refuse. The texts unlock a surreal journey through protohistoric North Africa fraught with mythological terrors, where humanity's survival hinges on a band of unlikely heroes. Marty and his team of archaeologists are catapulted into the roles of Earth's champions, thrust into a perilous trial by time. This struggle transcends mere historical discovery, as they confront monstrous overlords in a battle for the fate of the planet. Any misstep could spell extinction for mankind in this high-stakes narrative blending action, mystery, and a reverence for ancient civilizations.