Set in the desolate backdrop of a post-apocalyptic Australia, 'Year of the Orphan' takes the reader on a harrowing journey with an Orphan, the resilient protagonist. Raised within the confines of a harsh settlement known as the System, this child of the wasteland navigates treacherous terrains, haunted by creatures called Ghosts, and clutches tightly to secrets of a ruined past. As the Orphan races across the desert on a sand ship avoiding the menacing Reckoner, choices weigh heavily. Confronted with an impossible decision that could either preserve the last bastion of humanity or reduce it to dust, this fierce survivor must reckon with whether the remnants of a shattered society are worth fighting for. With the echoes of past atrocities vying for influence, 'Year of the Orphan' explores themes of survival, the might of memory, and the indelible human will to connect and reclaim.