In the electrifying finale of Neal Shusterman's Unwind Dystology series, 'UnDivided' transports readers to a future America teetering on the edge of a revolution. Teenagers Conner, Risa, and Lev have uncovered the grim reality behind Proactive Citizenry's scheme to mass-produce rewound teen soldiers, made possible by a disturbing process known as unwinding. As they challenge this corrupt system, their discoveries spark a fury among the youth, mobilizing them to march on Washington for change. Simultaneously, a formidable army of storked teens, led by the ruthless Starkey, is rising with a radical goal: to raze the harvest camps and exact revenge on the adults operating them. A pivotal question lingers—will the push for justice unravel the very nation they hope to save, precipitating a future filled with division and violence?