Delve into the intriguing world of Lauren Oliver's 'Delirium Trilogy' with this compelling collection of short stories that spotlight pivotal moments and untold backstories of the characters Hana, Annabel, Raven, and Alex. Discover the diverging paths of Lena and her best friend Hana during the critical summer before their lives are altered forever by the government-mandated cure. Unearth the secrets of Lena's mother, Annabel, who escaped the clutches of a controlling society, only to become ensnared by it once again. Experience the fervor of Raven, the audacious rebel who emerges as a stalwart leader in the fight against oppressive forces. Lastly, uncover the veiled history of Alex, Lena's first love, and his attempts to bury the darkness of his past. As these narratives intertwine, a broader image of resistance against the dystopian regime takes shape, offering a richer understanding of the Delirium world and its fiery characters.