Set against the backdrop of post-Civil War Brooklyn, 'Libertie' follows the journey of Libertie Sampson, daughter to one of the first Black female doctors in the United States. As a young Black woman coming of age during the Reconstruction era, Libertie grapples with the expectations of her mother to join the medical profession and the contrasting allure of music that beats within her. Her conflict between personal desires and imposed destinies is further complicated by society's racial constraints, as she cannot pass for white like her mother. The proposal from a man in Haiti, promising equality and a new life, tempts Libertie, but this supposed freedom is tainted as she faces subordination and the inflexible barriers of gender. 'Libertie' is a poignant exploration of identity, autonomy, and the many definitions of freedom, echoing the struggle for racial and gender equality through the immersive lens of historical fiction.