Set against the opulent backdrop of 18th-century Paris, 'The Future Future' spins the tale of Celine, engulfed in scandal as malicious rumors about her private life spread across the city. Beneath the fabric of lies woven by a society indulging in colonial atrocities and misogyny, she stands accused of affairs, orgies, and addictions—none of which bear truth. Adam Thirlwell's narrative transcends time, from France to colonial America and even the moon, portraying a defiant Celine surrounded by lavish parties and private salons. As she grapples with her tarnished reputation, she unites with her companions to pursue justice and truth in a quest that reverberates through to the present day—a vibrant testament to female camaraderie, language, and power. 'The Future Future' is not only a historical novel but also a daring adventure through time, encapsulating a quest for transformation that resonates with current struggles, making it timeless in its appeal.