Set in the year 2050, 'Yours for the Taking' takes us to a rapidly changing Brooklyn, where Ava and her girlfriend confront the life-threatening effects of climate change. In this crumbling world, The Inside Project offers salvation—self-sustainable structures promising security and a new society. As Ava enters The Inside alone, leaving behind her girlfriend, she's momentarily comforted by the safe haven it presents. Meanwhile, Jacqueline Millender, a reclusive billionaire and freshly minted director of The Inside, implements her radical vision of empowerment, ensnaring Shelby, an ambitious business graduate, and Olympia, a medical student. But beneath the gloss of corporate feminism and societal restoration lies a sinister undercurrent. As tensions rise and Jacqueline's unstable leadership spirals, Ava, Shelby, and Olympia unearth unsettling truths that could compromise their very existence. Against a backdrop of queer love and ideals of empowerment, they must grapple with betrayal, and the perilous sacrifice necessary to uphold Jacqueline's dream—questioning if it's worth taking at all.