Orphan Train intertwines the lives of two women from different generations, both outsiders searching for belonging. Vivian Daly, an elderly woman who once rode the orphan train from New York to the Midwest, now lives quietly in Maine, her turbulent past concealed in attic trunks. Molly Ayer, a Penobscot Indian teenager on the brink of aging out of the foster care system, finds solace in helping Vivian clean out her attic as part of a community service to avoid juvenile detention. As they unearth Vivian's past, the barriers between them dissolve, revealing striking parallels in their experiences. Together, they confront ghosts of their histories and discover the healing power of shared truths. This historical novel, set against the backdrop of the orphan train movement, is a testament to resilience, second chances, and the unfathomable threads that connect us.