Set against the gritty and electric backdrop of New York City in the late 1980s, 'Ten Thousand Saints' is an intense coming-of-age story that follows three troubled teenagers—Eliza, Jude, and Johnny. Grappling with the ramifications of a teenage boy's accidental death, the trio is bound by sorrow and a secretive vow to honour their fallen friend. As they navigate the landscape of love, family, and societal expectations, they find themselves in the hardcore punk scene where rebellion resonates with their collective desire for change. With the dawn of the AIDS epidemic as a harrowing context, the novel captures the poignant intersect of youthful optimism and the heavy toll of untimely responsibility. Eleanor Henderson presents a multigenerational saga that touches on themes such as adoption, teen pregnancy, drugs, and the search for redemption that ultimately defines a generation's struggle for a new identity.