In the shadow of Ender Wiggin, the legendary protagonist of 'Ender's Game', emerges a new hero: Bean, the tactician whose genius rivals Ender's own. 'Ender's Shadow' explores Bean's hardscrabble beginnings on the streets of Rotterdam, where survival hinges on his uncanny intellect. Bean's extraordinary abilities catch the eye of Battle School recruiters, propelling him into the orbiting military academy designed to forge Earth's brightest children into commanders capable of repelling an imminent alien invasion. Amidst this crucible of training, Bean mirrors Ender's journey, becoming both his ally and a standout among the young geniuses. As humanity's fate hangs in the balance, Bean steps out of the shadow to stand as a leader in his own right, culminating in an alliance that will alter the course of the interstellar war against the insidious 'Buggers' or Formics. Orson Scott Card expands his illustrious Enderverse with this thrilling parallel narrative, offering fans a new vantage point on a familiar epic saga.